Positive feedback from WATERSPOUTT General Assembly in Ethiopia

feedback from WATERSPOUTT

Kingsley Lungu and Tracy Morse attended the annual General Assembly in Mekelle, Northern Ethiopia from the 13th – 16th May. The General Assembly brings together the 18 consortium partners and expert advisors to review progress of the WATERSPOUTT programme funded by an EU H2020 grant. The WASHTED team enjoyed the field visits to the research site for Mekelle University to learn about their SODIS jerry can evaluation. The SODIS bucket update from Malawi received great feedback from other partners, and we’re excited to see how the field trial now progresses in terms of user acceptability and health impact.

You can follow the WATERSPOUTT programme on Twitter @waterspoutt_eu

Photo: Household taking part in the WATERSPOUTT trial in Mekelle, Ethiopia