WASHTED in collaboration with University of Strathclyde, UK (Lead Partner), United Purpose and Community Energy Malawi is implementing a project aimed at increasing access to sustainable energy for rural communities in Dedza and Balaka Districts, thereby enabling economic development and improved livelihoods. The project begun in October 2018 and will run to March 2023
The project has been implementing different activities, among them: deploying Renewable Energy (RE) systems as sustainable businesses Renewable Energy (RE) such as Micro-grid and Energy hubs; Remote monitoring – Central site & website development; conducting workshops for research dissemination and RE consultative meetings. The project has also been piloting District Energy Officers Renewable, which are responsible for planning and implementation of district energy projects, once successful the management structure would be recommended for upscaling nationwide.
The project received funding from the Scottish Government.
Total funding £1,300,000