WASHTED help with flood relief efforts in Chikwawa District

flood relief efforts in Chikwawa

Following the devastating effects of Cyclone Idai across the region, WASHTED staff and friends were moved to action to support those households affected. As much of the research work within WASHTED takes place with the support of Chikwawa communities, the staff have a strong relationship with the district and desire to help. Over March and April WASHTED worked with FROM Scotland and the University of Strathclyde Malawi Millennium Project and other well wishers to raise over 20 million Malawi Kwacha. These funds were used to purchase and deliver immediate relief in the form of food, blankets, water treatment and containers, shelter support and clothing. A huge thanks to all those who have provided support and undertook the relief efforts. We will continue to support communities over the coming months as food security becomes a challenge for those who lost crops.

You can access a full report on the flood relief to date here.