WASHTED making a splash at Stockholm World Water Week

WASHTED making a splash

Read more about the MHM study here http://www.worldwaterweek.org

This year WASHTED was represented at Stockholm World Water Week by Tracy Morse and Christabel Kambala who both presented their SHARE research during the conference. Over 3600 delegates attended from 133 countries this years theme of ‘Water, ecosystems and human development’. Dr Kambala took part in a expert session on menstrual hygiene management where she presented preliminary results of her study on absorbent materials being used by girls and women in Malawi, and Dr Morse presented an update on the current food hygiene of complementary foods study taking place in Chikwawa as part of a panel promoting the integration of food hygiene for diarrhoeal disease reduction. Both speakers were well received and made many new connections for current and future work in the centre.