Launch of interdisciplinary network to address sanitation and hygiene challenges around the African Great Lakes

Launch of interdisciplinary network

With funding from a GCRF Networking Grant and University of Strathclyde Escalator Fund, WASHTED hosted the kick off meeting (14th – 18th January) of a five country interdisciplinary network which aims to explore the barriers to effective sanitation and hygiene in fishing communities surrounding the African Great Lakes.

27 participants from Malawi, Zambia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda represented academia, public and private sector, and non governmental organisations. Participants shared experiences from across their settings and explored potential research areas to support the development of effective interventions which can support achievement of national targets and the sustainable development goals for these marginalised communities. The workshop also offered an opportunity for training participants in behaviour change in WASH which was facilitated by Robert Dreibelbis from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.