Kondwani Chidziwisano blogs from the Swiss Federal Institute of Science and Technology (Eawag), Switzerland

Kondwani Chidziwisano blogs

Upon successful application, I was offered an Eawag Partnership Programme (EPP) fellowship by the Swiss Federal Institute of Science and Technology (Eawag), Switzerland. I took up the fellowship position in Dubendorf, Zurich from 1st February to 3rd April 2018. During my stay at Eawag, I had an opportunity of analysing the formative research data collected under Share research project being implemented in Chikwawa. The analysis went well because I had an opportunity of meeting Professor Hans Mosler, the developer of RANAS (Risk, Attitude, Norms, Ability and Self – regulation) model which was applied in formative research data collection. Prof. Mosler and Jurgita Sliekene provided a one to one mentorship that helped me to finalize data analysis within time.

Being at Eawag, an international research institution, the EPP fellowship created an interface that gave me an opportunity to interact with people from different parts of the world. This enabled me to learn what others are doing in the field of waste water and solid management, water supply, sanitation, hygiene and importantly behavioural change sciences.