WASHTED researchers attend FSM5 in Cape town

WASHTED researchers attend FSM5

Every two years, the sanitation community comes together to discuss the latest innovations in faecal sludge treatment and management. This year, the Faecal Sludge Management Conference (FSM5) was held alongside the AfricaSan conference in Cape Town, South Africa. Mabvuto Yesaya received a scholarship from BORDA to attend his first international conference and, along with Elizabeth Tilley present their paper: “Sludge Bomb: Managing the Growing Backlog of Unemptied Faecal Sludge in Blantyre, Malawi”. Jan Freihardt, who spent 3 months with WASHTED conducting his research, presented “Citizen Science for Faecal Sludge Characterisation in Blantyre, Malawi”.

For more information visit: https://fsm5.susana.org/en/