Global Hand Washing Day 2018 at WASHTED

Global Hand Washing Day

SHARE team in Chikwawa with hand washing games for school students
The WASHTED team supported by SHARE were delighted to host the Global Hand Washing Day Symposium this year at the Malawi Polytechnic on 17th October 2018. The one day event was officially opened by the Deputy Director Environmental Health from the Ministry of Health and Population, and saw speakers from Government, academia, UN agencies and NGOs present research, operational experiences and national updates to the audience. The event also hosted a panel discussion for MBC (aired on 22nd and 28th October) on the challenges and opportunities for effective hand washing in Malawi.
We were particularly proud of our research associates, research assistants and sponsored Masters students who presented their findings on hand washing behaviour change, hygiene conditions in early childhood development centres and pilot group hand washing facilities.
You can access the presentations from here

You can access the panel discussion for download here
The team did not rest but made their way to Chikwawa District and Njeleza School on the 18th October to join the Honourable Minister for Health and Population, Mr Atupele Muluzi for the public commemoration. We were delighted that the Minister was able to spend a considerable period of time at our pavilion learning about the SHARE research in Chikwawa, meeting one of our ‘hygienic families’ and seeing the group hand washing facility in action.