Teams Begin the Floating Toilets Challenge

Floating Toilets Challenge

Six teams from The Polytechnic, University of Livingstonia, Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR) and Sustainable Environmental Management Solutions were invited to present their Floating Toilet designs on 22nd January 2018 at the Polytechnic. The assessment panel included Dr. T. Mkandawire (Associate Professor in Civil Engineering and Dean of Engineering), Dr. C. Kambala (Senior Lecturer in Environmental Health), Mr. T. Kaitane (Chief of Party-Plan Malawi), Mr. Kingsley Lungu (Senior Lecturer in Environmental Health) and Mr. C. Jella (District Environmental Health Officer). The top four teams from the Polytechnic and LUANAR were merged to increase the skills set available for tackling the challenge.

Each team has been assigned mentors and will visit Lake Chilwa on 16th February in order to survey the area before refining their designs. The panel was very impressed with the creativity, quality and quantity of input in the designs for the teams. Congratulations to all the competing teams and to the four teams continuing with the work!